We at Rosemac Healthcare work with Humility in our hearts, purpose in our minds and passion to bring happiness into people's lives. We're a company that takes on the toughest health challenges. But we do more than treat diseases- we aim to make a remarkable impact on peoples lives. Every day our goal is to work towards the betterment of our products, provide value, reduce our costs and maintain reasonable prices. And our vision is to contribute to the greater good of the world and make a lasting impact.


Rosemac healthcares journey started with the purpose of providing quality products at affordable rates that can be accessible to everyone. Our roots stem from working at every step of this lucrative pharmaceutical industry. Our rich experience of more than 40 years has helped us in understanding the needs and wants of the customers. We believe affordable and quality medication is the right of every human being living on this planet. Not only provide high-quality affordable medication but our company is also driven by the fact of sustainable growth. We as a company aspire to be one of the largest healthcare providers in the world.


Rosemac seeks to manifest its values in its daily operations as well as its personnel to conduct its business around the country. We believe in improvising at each stage to surpass the levels of expectations of our consumers and committing to our mission to deliver the best to our ability. Our existence revolves around our values that have laid the foundation for greater achievements while adhering to our customer needs.


From the very beginning, Quality has been the core of our existence. Unimarckens are persistently putting efforts in manufacturing high-quality products for society. We have always believed that quality surpasses all other factors of production to build not just the consumer base but to deliver effective results of the same.


We believe in achieving success while building and committing to strong moral values, and honesty. Our interest and mission do not just revolve around how we achieve our goals but also on the process of how we achieve them.


We believe commitment drives the force for achieving excellence for products to stand at par in the pharmaceutical industry. We pursue innovative ways to provide high-quality products and deliver superlative results. We consistently search for new ways to improve everything we do.


We seek to understand that teamwork results in efficient and effective work, thus we believe to put teamwork before the individual performance in all our work scenarios. Success and achievement require team efforts while we work with integrated balance in becoming one of the most eloquent pharmaceutical companies in the country.


From the very beginning, Quality has been the core of our existence. Unimarck Team ensures to keep medicines economical without comprising on the quality for users to stay fit and healthy. Being a customer-oriented pharma company, the prospect is to digitalize the business by serving quality pharma products online.





We believe our prime responsibility is to well-being the customers who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customer orders are executed promptly and accurately.


We follow the philosophy to supply products and service of premier quality and of highest benefit for our clients. We strive to satisfy consumers with everlasting belief in our service package. Our philosophy states the company's objective to contribute to the health and fitness of persons around the world through the delivery of reliable and effective medicines.



Since inception, Rosemac Healthcare encourages innovation as it is one of the most essential part for leading the Pharma Company. Our Pharma Company considers fostering curiosity, innovative ideas, inspiration from within, and we do this with an unwavering commitment to ethics. Each member of our Pharma industry works with dedication in offering our customers the best.

Integrity and Trust

Our approach towards the Pharma business in an ethical way assists us to compete fairly and helps us to meet the requirements of our customers easily. As a pharmaceutical company, we are subjected to strict national and international regulations. We conduct our business with integrity that helps to make improvements in the healthcare industry.


We are rapidly expanding in innovating and offering high-quality services for society. Preparing well-planned strategies, striving for excellence, and result-oriented Pharma products are the areas we cater at peak. Our motto is to strive excellence by repeatedly putting in efforts to make quality medicines. It is not an act but our habit of doing things our way.